Awakened Coaching

"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are Spiritual Being having a human experience"

Teilhard de Chardin

I offer coaching for couples and for men who want to grow into their potential as unique, creative, liberated human beings. I am not a therapist or psychologist that engages you as a wounded or person with a "problem" in need of healing and personal development. I engage you as an already essentially whole manifestation of the Divine Spirit and, from that Ground, will guide you to the best of my ability into a process of freeing yourself from the conditioned emotional, mental and cultural patterning that inhibits your natural unfolding and ecstatic participation in life and relationship.

Contact me to arrange a free consulation call:
For Couples

Are you curious about the potential to transform intimate relationship into an alchemical crucible for spiritual growth - a space to soften the grip of ego and experience your true nature as a continuum of ecstatic and evolutionary Love?

Are you compelled by exploring what it might mean to awaken and authentically embody your masculine and/or feminine essence and live it in your intimate relationship?

My Awakened Couple Coaching will enable you to discover...

For Him/Shiva:

Learn to transmit the forces of love and pure consciousness in ways that evoke your partner's most playful and ecstatic bliss

Practice penetrating your relationships and the world from a place of embodied depth and presence.

Learn how to cultivate the meditative practice that will allow your nervous system to hold, circulate and conduct sexual energy

For Her/Shakti:

Shifting from "trying to be feminine" to effortlessly incarnating as Love

Artfully reveal the depths of your feminine longing, emotions, and wisdom as invitations to be met fully and deeply in love

Relax into your True Nature so deeply that you effortlessly incarnate as Love's fullness, which is inherently magnetic to the depth of consciousness that you yearn to receive from a lover

For Him&Her/Shiva&Shakti:

Discover the Prerequisites to Ecstasy - how to shift the context of your relationship from ego to essence.

Transmute raw sexual desire into love's deepest communion

Loving through your patterns, your trauma and your triggers to open new possibilities in intimacy

Observing, understanding and transcending your oedipal patterning from Mummy and Daddy that plays out in your intimate relationship

Getting out of your relational comfort zone and taking creative risks in love

Loosening the grip of who you think you are to discover the freedom beyond identity constructs

The three stages of spiritual-sexual evolution and how to grow from co-dependent, to independent, to devotionally-in-service-to-each-others-awakening in relationship

In my Awakened Coaching for men I offer a distillation of my most important and transformative learnings through being involved in men's groups for over 30 years both as a participant and mentor.

Some of the areas of life in which I can assist you to awaken and evolve:

  • Discover deep peace and unbroken trust in yourself and in life itself
  • Observe, understand and transcend your fears
  • Break free of addictions and compulsive behaviours
  • Illuminate your shadow to feel, heal and transcend trauma and pain
  • Transmute your anger into the capacity to express Sacred Fire
  • Uproot and let go of all guilt and shame
  • Learn how to open up to grief and painful emotions
  • Grow beyond childish and adolescent patterning
  • Discover your worldly and Transcendental Purpose
  • Transmute lust into limitless Devotional Love
  • Master ejaculation choice & learn the essence of Sexual Yoga
  • Awaken the Heart Warrior with discipline, courage and service
  • Learn how to lead your woman with natural authority sourced in devotion

"My association with Pete over 6 years was highly transformative. It was time to recover a new awareness about myself and gain a new inner freedom, which today allows me to express more genuinely who I really am.

This time allowed me to awaken to the beauty and importance of being in a collective with other men who seek to live from their most genuine being, who seek to live a more integrated and harmonious masculinity, who seek to live intimate relationships with other men, from from a place of vulnerability, dropping the masks of conditioned and toxic masculinity. I was able to experience the transformative and healing potential of open and authentic sharing. I was able to enjoy the enormous richness of complicity and mutual support, like someone guarding a fragile and, at the same time, sacred treasure.

Over the years I was able to live very diverse moments and experiences, which, like a puzzle, became pieces that helped to build a new perspective and a new awareness about myself, even about what spirituality is, about the world. I grew in the ability to recover the strength and power of my masculinity, becoming a more authentic man. I grew in confidence and in the ability to surrender to the abundance of life. I grew up with the desire to express my voice in a more authentic and spontaneous way, as I dealt with many fears and insecurities that made me believe I was not enough. I grew in the desire to allow myself to feel and enjoy the pleasure of life with all intensity and freedom. I have grown in the ability to compromise with other men to take full responsibility for my life.

I have deep gratitude and respect for Pete, for his wisdom, humility, coherence and the strength with which he guided us with his profoundly liberating and challenging teachings. With the mastery and support of Pete and the group, I entered very dark places within myself, experiencing moments of intense emotional catharsis, allowing me to release very deep ties and conditioning that prevented me from seeing who I truly was.

Today I feel like a much more mature, more conscious and much happier man. I recognize that the happiness I experience in my personal life, particularly in my relationship with my partner, and professionally as a therapist is largely the result of everything I have been able to experience throughout these years. It was a great honour to be part of it. Thank you, thank you very much."

Rui Ribeiro, Portugal
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